Registered user since Tue 4 Jul 2023
Dr. Martina Beck (martina.beck@maibornwolff.de) has been building bridges between business and IT for over 25 years. She is a passionate digital designer. Inspiring IT solutions are her goal. She loves to ask her customers the right questions and to think her way into digital matters. Her interdisciplinary studies in linguistics at the Faculty of Philosophy and Computer Science at the Faculty of Technology prepared the ground to bring different worlds together. During her PhD she worked for 5 years at the Chair of Programming Languages and Compiler Construction. For a long time, Martina Beck was division manager for Digital Design & Engineering. Today she is managing director at MaibornWolff.
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ)
- Session Chair of Keynote 2 - Craig Errey (part of Industry Track)
- Panel: The World Is Just Getting More VUCA: What Does It Mean for Responsible RE?
- Industry Track Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
- Industry Track Co-Chair in Industry Track Co-Chairs within the Industry Track-track
- Session Chair of Industry day opening (part of Industry Track)
- Session Chair of Industry track - Session 1 (part of Industry Track)