REFSQ 2025
Mon 7 - Thu 10 April 2025 Barcelona, Spain

Registration is open!

Registration fees

Registration Options Early (*) Late Includes
Full Regular 825€ 950€
  • Access to the main conference and pre-conference events (workshops and doctoral consortium), including coffee breaks and lunches
  • Conference kit
  • Conference reception
  • Conference dinner
Conference-Only Regular 750€ 850€
  • Access to the main conference, including coffee breaks and lunches
  • Conference kit
  • Conference reception
  • Conference dinner
Full Student (**) 425€ 510€
  • Access to the main conference and pre-conference events (workshops and doctoral consortium), including coffee breaks and lunches
  • Conference kit
  • Conference reception
Conference-Only Student (**) 350€ 420€
  • Access to the main conference, including coffee breaks and lunches
  • Conference kit
  • Conference reception
Workshop Day 275€ 325€
  • Access to the workshops and doctoral symposium, including coffee breaks and lunch
  • Conference kit
Industry Day 325€ 380€
  • Access to the industry day, including coffee breaks and lunch
  • Conference kit
  • Conference reception
IREB Summit - 150€
  • Access to the IREB summit, including coffee break
  • Conference kit
Combined Industry Day + IREB Summit - 500€
  • Access to the IREB workshop and industry day, including coffee breaks and lunch (Wednesday)
  • Conference kit
  • Conference reception

Other prices

Extra Reception Ticket - 80 €

Extra Dinner Ticket - 85 €

(*) Early-bird registrations are accepted if paid before March 12th, 2025

(**) You must send a scanned copy of a valid student document (Enrolment document, Valid student card, etc) at most one week after the registration to:

Registration policy

Every Research Track paper must have at least one paid FULL REGULAR or CONFERENCE-ONLY REGULAR registration before February 14th, 2025 (*)

Every workshop and posters & tools paper must have at least one paid FULL (either REGULAR or STUDENT) or WORKSHOP registration before March 12th, 2025 (*)

Every doctoral symposium paper must have at least one paid FULL STUDENT or WORKSHOP registration before March 12th, 2025 (*)

Every journal early feedback presentation must have at least one FULL REGULAR or CONFERENCE-ONLY REGULAR registration before March 21st, 2025 (thereby still benefiting from the early bird pricing) (*)

(*) A FULL REGULAR registration covers one paper or journal early feedback presentation in the main conference and one workshop paper. Additional workshop papers must be covered by a separate registration

Cancellation and refund policy

If you have to cancel the registration before March 12th, 2025, providing that you are not the author registered for a paper, you will receive 70% of the registration fee back. Cancellations are not possible after that date. The registered person can however be replaced without penalties until a week before the conference. In this case, please contact the local organizer as soon as possible at:

Participation is not guaranteed until full payment of the registration fee is received.

Payments will be refunded in the unlikely event that the conference is cancelled by the organizer. In that case, the organizer will have no further liability to the client.

Special requests

If you need a visa invitation letter, please, send an email to local organizers and

Participants will be contacted later by the organisers regarding dietary restrictions.