REFSQ 2025
Mon 7 - Thu 10 April 2025 Spain
Eduard C. Groen

Registered user since Mon 30 Nov 2020

Name:Eduard C. Groen

Eduard C. Groen (or simply Eddy) has been working on Requirements Engineering in research and industry for 15 years. He is a Senior Requirements Engineer at Fraunhofer IESE in Kaiserslautern, Germany, where he coordinates the research management on Digital Sustainability. His work focuses on good Digital Design of complex systems, such as Digital Ecosystems, especially to address the challenges of sustainability.

In the RE community, he is best known for his research on Crowd-based Requirements Engineering (CrowdRE), which he coined at the REFSQ’15 and has published on in venues such as IEEE Software, RE, REFSQ, REConf, NLP4RE, and the CrowdRE workshop. He also leads the IREB Special Interest Group on Sustainability (SIGsus).

Eddy studied Psychology, specializing in Engineering Psychology, at the University of Twente, the Netherlands. In 2025, he will defend his PhD dissertation on CrowdRE at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He is supervised by Prof. Dr. Fabiano Dalpiaz, Prof. Dr. Sjaak Brinkkemper, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Dörr. This research focuses on the derivation of functional and non-functional requirements from natural language texts.

Eddy is a Program Committee member of the RE, REFSQ and CHASE conferences, several conference tracks, and a resident PC member of the NLP4RE, SEmotion, REWBAH und AffectRE workshop series. He is the incumbent Workshops co-chair for REFSQ’25, and has co-organized the CreaRE (2017–2021), CrowdRE (2017, 2019–2021, 2024), and AIRE (2018) workshops. He is also a member of the Steering Committee for the CrowdRE workshop series.

Affiliation:Fraunhofer IESE
Research interests:Requirements Engineering, Sustainability, Usable Security and Privacy, Human Factors, Cognitive Psychology


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